Romantic Summer Winery Wedding featuring purple wedding colors, family heirlooms, and a historic church ceremony at Running Hare Vineyard in Southern Maryland by Wedding Photographer Megan Bennett Photography #runningharevineyard #marylandweddingphotographer #runningharevineyardwedding

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  That moment when you wonder, why aren’t we friends? This was ALL DAY LONG. Dana & Ryan should be everyone’s friend… not kidding. They are the sweetest couple ever and you can tell they’re not only great friends but great people. Let’s just say, the world needs more Dana and Ryan. I get to […]

Running Hare Vineyard Wedding – Dana & Ryan

A Summer Wedding at Howard County Conservancy Wedding with Navy bridesmaid dresses and Bright Flowers by Maryland Photographer Megan Bennett Photography

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This wedding was so special to me. It took place at one of my favorite venues in Howard County, Maryland. It is a stunning piece of property that is used to conserve the environment, preserve history, and teach us about both. I’ve looked forward to the day I could shoot a wedding at the Howard […]

Howard County Conservancy Wedding – Justin & Emily